
What Is Acupuncture And How Does It Work? Acupuncturists see the body as a complete, holistic system, operating under the knowledge that optimal health combines a person’s physical, emotional or spiritual well-being. If one of these areas is out of balance it can negatively affect the body, creating symptoms of ailment and disease. Acupuncture realigns energetic systems to address the root cau... Read More

What Is Acupuncture And How Does It Work?
Acupuncturists see the body as a complete, holistic system, operating under the knowledge that optimal health combines a person’s physical, emotional or spiritual well-being. If one of these areas is out of balance it can negatively affect the body, creating symptoms of ailment and disease. Acupuncture realigns energetic systems to address the root causes of disease and ailment by reestablishing a healthy balance.

What is an energetic system, you ask? Western Medicine practitioners commonly view the body’s energy in terms of circulation and nervous system activity. Acupuncturists view energy as Qi (chee), which encompasses far more than just the body’s physical processes. Qi relates to emotional processing, decision making, motivation, mental energy, blood flow and circulation, immunity, and feelings of well-being. Qi is meant to flow freely through twelve acupuncture channels (or meridians) in the body, and pain or discomfort usually stems from a lack of Qi flow, or stagnation. Acupuncturists use tiny needles to stimulate Qi flow at designated points along the twelve channels.

ALEX IS NOT TAKING NEW PATIENTS. Please book with Brendan if you are a new patient.

Alex is an acupuncturist licensed by the Massachusetts Board of Medicine and nationally certified by the NCCAOM. She received her Master’s degree in Acupuncture at the New England School of Acupuncture at MCPHS University in Newton, MA. She is trained in both Chinese and Japanese styles, but tends to favor Japanese style for its gentle, energy balancing approach. Her practice is grounded in the belief that acupuncture not only has the potential to resolve troublesome symptoms and disease, but it can also increase self awareness, helping people come to know themselves better on a physical, spiritual and emotional level.

ALEX IS NOT TAKING NEW PATIENTS. Please book with Brendan if you are a new patient. Alex is an a... Read More

Brendan is a practicing acupuncturist specializing in Chinese and particularly Earth style acupuncture, which lends itself to a mix of strengthening the overall condition of the body and harmonizing anything that is out of balance. He has been licensed by the Board of Registration of Medicine in Massachusetts and is certified by the NCCAOM as a Diplomat of Acupuncture. He received his Doctorate in Acupuncture at Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture (PIHMA) in Arizona.

Brendan is a practicing acupuncturist specializing in Chinese and particularly Earth style acupun... Read More

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